The European Commission, in close collaboration with EU member states, will host a pan-European hackathon to connect civil society, innovators, partners and buyers across Europe to develop innovative solutions to overcome coronavirus-related challenges.
Now is your chance to help tackle coronavirus!
When? 24, 25 and 26 April
Challenges to be hacked, and the opening of registration to hack the challenges, will be announced soon. Watch this space!
#EUvsVirus Hackathon
Many online hackathons have been organised across Europe since the beginning of March. There have been hackathons in Estonia, Finland, Poland, Italy, Belgium and similar events are also planned in the coming weeks.
euvsvirus.orgis an online European-wide hackathon organized by the most plugged in and nationally connected digital ecosystem actors from all over Europe. It builds upon already conducted national hackathons and the solutions worked on.
It is a call to action to each and everyone to participate in the fight against COVID-19: demonstrate unity for the common good across borders and generations. Let’s digitally open EU-borders in the times of pandemic crisis!
Social Impact
The real reward is driving meaningful social impact for the COVID-19 response.
Judge-selected projects will be shared widely across tech ecosystem and partner networks.
How can you help?
As a problem solver
We are welcoming developers, designers, creatives and problem solvers with expertise in healthcare, business, sociology, education etc. and ideally experience in hackathons.
As a mentor
We are looking for experts in the areas of digitalization, business, health, education, etc. who can support the teams with their expertise. We need also ninjas (organisers) who will be involved in the organisation and coordination of the teams during the hackathon.
As a partner
We are welcoming support from everybody who wants to foster the hackathon – companies, universities, public and private organisations, networks. Get in touch!
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